How to implement Data Governance in 90 days

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Frank Stoffel

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  1. Establish a data governance team: Identify a core team of stakeholders who will lead the data governance effort. This team should include representatives from different business units, IT, and executive leadership.
  2. Define data governance scope: Define the scope of data governance by identifying the business processes, data assets, and data domains that will be included in the data governance program.
  3. Define data governance policies and procedures: Develop data governance policies and procedures that outline how data will be managed, stored, shared, and protected. Ensure that these policies align with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
  4. Establish data governance roles and responsibilities: Define the roles and responsibilities of the data governance team and other stakeholders involved in data management. This includes data owners, data stewards, data custodians, and executive sponsors.
  5. Develop data governance metrics: Develop metrics and KPIs to measure the effectiveness of the data governance program. This includes data quality, data availability, data usage, and data compliance.
  6. Develop a communication plan: Develop a communication plan to ensure that stakeholders are informed and engaged in the data governance program. This includes regular updates, progress reports, and training sessions.
  7. Implement data governance tools: Implement data governance tools such as data catalogs, metadata management tools, and data quality tools to support data governance processes and practices.
  8. Pilot data governance: Pilot the data governance program in a specific business unit or data domain to test its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  9. Roll out data governance program: Roll out the data governance program to the rest of the organization, starting with high-priority data domains or business processes.
  10. Monitor and evaluate data governance program: Continuously monitor and evaluate the data governance program to ensure its effectiveness and identify opportunities for improvement.